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Connecting Wallets and Maximizing Rewards
Connecting Wallets and Maximizing Rewards

Boost your Diamonds and enjoy fee discounts by seamlessly connecting and managing your wallets on Magic Eden.

Updated over a week ago

To embark on a journey of abundant rewards, connecting and linking your wallets is the first step. This guide will walk you through the process, ensuring you not only earn Diamonds but also enjoy reduced trading fees.

Connecting your wallets for maximum rewards

Connect your wallet

Begin by clicking on the pink "Connect Wallet" button in the top right of the screen.

Follow the on-screen instructions, and ensure you sign in with your desired wallet.

If using a hardware wallet, toggle on the ‘Using Ledger’ option.

Sign in and manage wallets

Click the pink "Sign In" button with your connected wallet. Sign a message within your wallet, completing the sign-in process. Your wallet address will now be displayed in the top right drop-down menu.

From the same menu, click on "Manage Wallets" to view and manage all linked wallets.

Managing your wallets

Magic Eden allows you to connect multiple wallets, each serving a unique purpose in your Diamond-earning journey.

Main wallet

  • The green "Main" tag designates your primary wallet which hosts your profile. Connect the wallet where you want to accumulate your main Diamond rewards.

Important note:
Prior to Rewards V2, you could claim Diamonds daily. However, these Diamonds would only show up on your profile if the wallet used for the claim is set as the main wallet. So, your total Diamond count on the profile might change based on which wallet is connected.

Importantly, the Diamonds you received from daily claims still belong to the wallet that earned them, and they won't be taken away. Just remember, you can only connect one of these wallets as the main wallet on your profile at a time.

Connected wallet

  • The red "Connected" tag shows the wallet currently linked to Magic Eden. This is the active wallet for transactions like purchasing or listing NFTs.

Linking a new wallet

Here's how you can link a new wallet to your profile:

  1. Sign in to your main wallet.

  2. Switch wallets within your wallet extension.

  3. Click "Link Wallet" when prompted, ensuring to verify the wallet you're linking.

  4. Sign the transaction with no associated costs.

You can also select the "Sign in as new" button to use the wallet on a fresh profile.

Your newly linked wallet will appear under "Connected" in the "Manage Wallets" menu.

Setting your main wallet

If you wish to switch your main wallet for Diamond rewards:

  1. Access "Manage Wallets" from the drop-down menu.

  2. Click the three dots next to the wallet you want to set as your main.

  3. Click "Set As Main" and confirm the action in the subsequent prompt.

Note: Changing the main wallet may affect your Diamond count and quest progress.

Unlinking your wallet

To unlink a wallet:

  1. In "Manage Wallets," click the three dots next to the wallet.

  2. Click "Unlink" and confirm the action.

Note: Unlinking a wallet may impact your Diamond count and quest progress.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to our support team by opening a ticket using the chat widget. Connect wisely, trade smarter, and enjoy the full spectrum of rewards at Magic Eden!

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