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Configuring Swap Settings in Magic Eden Wallet
Configuring Swap Settings in Magic Eden Wallet

Customize your swap experience.

cavpatrol avatar
Written by cavpatrol
Updated over a week ago

This guide will walk you through configuring swap settings in the Magic Eden Wallet, allowing you to view your swap history and set your slippage tolerance.

Accessing swap settings

Open swap settings

From the Swap Tab, click on the settings icon in the top right corner of the screen.

Swap history

View swap history

Clicking on the Swap History option will display a streamlined view of all swaps performed in the wallet using your active account.


Clicking on individual swap details will show important information such as the Status (Complete, Pending, Failed, etc.), Order ID, Deposit ID, and Payout ID.

Slippage tolerance

Understanding slippage

Slippage is how much your final price can differ from the original quote.

Set slippage tolerance

You can choose from preset options of 0.1%, 0.5%, and 1%, or enter a custom amount.

Apply settings

To set your slippage tolerance, click the pink "Apply" button.

This guide provided an overview of how to configure swap settings in the Magic Eden Wallet, helping you manage your swap history and set your slippage tolerance effectively. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our support team by clicking on the chat widget.

This content is for educational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice or an inducement to buy, sell, or trade cryptoassets. UK users should be aware of their local regulations and ensure compliance with UK Financial Promotions regulations.

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