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How to Claim Your $ME Tokens via the ME Foundation
How to Claim Your $ME Tokens via the ME Foundation

Everything you need to know about the $ME claim!

Updated over a week ago

This guide will walk you through the process of claiming your ME tokens through the Magic Eden Mobile Claim Experience. This guide will ensure a smooth process for checking eligibility and linking your wallets securely using the Magic Eden Wallet app.

The ME claim officially ended on February 1st

What is the ME Foundation?

ME Foundation is a non-profit foundation administering the largest suite of open source cross chain trading protocols enabling people to trade all digital assets on all chains. ME Foundation provides stewardship of $ME, Magic Eden's official ecosystem token. The $ME community will drive adoption and development of these protocols.

Prepare to Claim

Before claiming your $ME tokens, make sure you have the Magic Eden Wallet app downloaded and installed on your device. You can download the app by visiting this page.

Without the Magic Eden Wallet app, you won't be able to access the claim process. Ensure your wallet is set up and ready to go before you begin!

Linking your wallets

We have a guide here, walking you through how to link your wallets via the ME foundation. After linking all your wallets, you can go ahead and claim!

How to claim your $ME allocation in the Magic Eden Mobile Wallet

Find the banner

Open your Magic Eden Mobile App, and you will see a banner that says, “Claim $ME now!” Click on this banner to proceed.

Confirm eligibility

After clicking the banner, you'll see a screen displaying: “You are Eligible 🤩”. Press the "Proceed" button to continue.

View your allocation

Once you proceed, you will see your $ME token allocation. There will also be a "Claim Your Tokens" button available.

Select your fees

Click the "Claim Your Tokens" button. You will be prompted to select the transaction fees, these are standard fees for the Solana network.

Sign the transaction

After selecting the fees, press “Claim Tokens.” You will now need to sign a transaction.


You have now successfully claimed your $ME tokens! We have an article here that goes over staking and quests.

After claiming $ME, all users will be able to stake $ME

Staking will give users access to Magic Eden Quests. Magic Eden Quests enable users to trade NFTs and swap tokens across chains in order to receive the subsequent $ME allocation to the community. Only stakers will receive the subsequent $ME airdrop.

Users will be able to stake for a minimum of 1 day and a maximum of 4 years. Based on the time horizon that a user chooses to stake $ME for, they will unlock exponentially more rewards with continuous usage of the protocols.

We have a article here going over Staking & Questing for $ME!

If you have any questions or run into issues during the claiming process, feel free to reach out to our support team by clicking on the chat widget in the bottom right-hand corner of the page.

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